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    End of Term Good Marks

    An exciting morning was had today as the Houses battled for the winning place.

    Good-marks were read out to the children. One from the week and another for the term.  Seven children were given a £5 book token for gaining the highest number of points. Two children from each house in KS1, and two from KS2.

    These are the winning children with the highest good marks of the term! Well done to all!

    Then the totals were read to the children – what an incredible amount of marks given!

    One child was awarded his Entry Level award in Drums. A huge well done to him!


    It was then time to celebrate and award the children from Year 1 – Year 6 that had 100% attendance up until last Friday. The following children were awarded with a certificate!

    Ms Fourie then announced all the winners from last week’s Sport Relief extravaganza! The children were very excited listening to all the winners!


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    Eddie the Penguin Saves Lives

    Eddie The Penguin is on a mission to save the planet from pollution!

    Year 1 & Year 2 have been practicing so hard. Remembering lines, action and songs it’s been an exciting time! They definitely pulled off a play to remember!

    Mrs Chiverrell said it was a performance that many of the children and parents would never forget! Reminding the parents that some of these children are as young as 5, Mrs Chiverrell went onto add that who knows, some might end up on the stage!

    Well done Year 1 & 2!

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    Good Marks Assembly

    Lots of awards and celebrations today in assembly. With our new value of ‘confidence’ some children were chosen as showing this value over the past week.

    Others were given a ‘wild-card’ merit for showing another value over the past week. Well done to all children!

    Four children received commendations. Two for great ‘Victorian London’ projects, one for touch typing skills and the other for a precise and well written essay.

    With three of the commendations coming from the Brown house (worth 5 points each) it was a breathtaking moment when the final scores were revealed!

    Blues managed to hold onto their place by 3 points!

    Well done Blues, a great weeks work!

    The football team were also given certificates for their hard work in the U11 Football Tournament recently – click here to head to our news page for more information.

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    U11 Football Tournament

    A huge well-done to our football team that went to the U11  Tournament this week. This year the boys have been working hard on their ability to work as a team. Harris said, “Our chemistry is pretty good, by the end we were ultimate! We started off shaky but finished really well”

    Most of the boys admitted to being very nervous to start but all had a really enjoyable time!

    Isa said, “we tried our best and played well as a team, that’s what counts!”

    Vahin saved the day with his final goal which left the team jumping for joy! A great effort from the boys – thanks went to Mr & Mr Foster for their help on the day!


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    Mini Concert – March 2018

    Our mini concert featuring just a few ex pupils, friends, present pupils and ‘The Senior Choir’ was enjoyed by all.

    It was arranged as a tribute to the life of Mrs Sheila Ferrari, Principal of Avon House School & Founder of the Dyslexic Centre in Woodford.  Mrs Ferrari passed away last August.

    Mrs Chiverrell said that Mrs Ferrari had dedicated her life to inspiring children and teachers in this area, often arranging special inter-school creative events.  She had been her mentor from the mid 1980’s as well as her friend.

    We hope to repeat this type of event in the future. Our children and the audience were inspired by the various items.

    A big thank you went to all the music staff involved in staging the event.