Destination School Offers  –  Academic Year 2023/24

Onward Destinations

Here at SPS, it is of great importance to us that pupils go on to seek and seize all the future possibilities that secondary education has to offer. For the last academic year 20223/24 our leavers received a total of 31 offers, including 4 scholarships, awards or exhibitions at selective independent schools and went on to Bancroft’s, Brentwood, City of London, Chigwell, & Forest.
These break down as follows including the percentage of those that sat the exams:

Bancroft’s – 4

Brentwood – 5

City of London – 2

Chigwell – 10

Forest – 8

As a result of our intimate class sizes our results are very specific to each cohort.

Over the past 7 years, the ratio of ‘pupils sitting’ to ‘offers received’,  at Bancrofts, Chigwell and Forest are approximately 75%, 77% and 83% respectively and on average each pupil will receive two offers from an independent school.

What is of particular importance is that each child is the best version of themselves and the ‘results’  are a by-product of an excellent broad and balanced curriculum.  Whilst we put a huge amount of work into ensuring our entire curriculum and teaching from EYFS to Year 6 is geared to enabling pupils to be successful in Year 7 we believe that  results are credit to the pupils’ and their families.



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