Our next open morning event will be on the Monday 3rd February 2025.
Please click here to book.
Thank you
We love to show interested families around our school. We hold several open mornings during the year. Families will be given a tour with one of our Year 6 pupils and this is a great chance to get a feel for the school through the eyes of our pupils. Visitors will have the opportunity to speak to a senior member of staff and have any questions answered.
Why Us?
We aim to cultivate an intimate, caring family atmosphere in which children feel secure and valued. With a one form entry and class sizes of between sixteen and twenty four children, we provide extensive care and attention, myriad social opportunities and varied extracurricular activities.
Most children join the school at age 3.5 and stay with us until they reach 11 when they leave for their senior schools. At age 11 we find that Snaresbrook children are confident, curious and courteous, with a good sense of community and a readiness to care for each other and the world around them. They have learned how to work in the ways that suit them best, are receptive to teaching and are well prepared for the next stage of their education and development.
We see ourselves as joint trustees, with parents, of the young lives in our care, bearing equal responsibility for their happiness, well being and all round development.
What our Parents Say
We absolutely love Snaresbrook and our Child has been very happy here! We have to thank you, the school and all the teachers for their care and attention. We will all miss everyone at the school!”
We would like to thank you and all your staff, teaching and non-teaching, for providing an environment in which our child has developed and thrived over eight years.”
If we haven’t said this before, let me reiterate by saying that all staff including yourself, Mrs Reading etc have been so proactive and informative, that it hasn’t really felt like the pandemic has defeated any of us.”
We just wanted to write a quick message to thank you for the phenomenal end of term Christmas staging you put in place outside of the school, complete with snow, trees, reindeer and Father Christmas! We were quite taken aback by the amount of effort that the school made.”
What the ISI Say
The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.”
Pupils are exceptionally positive and committed to their learning and they develop very successful study skills.”
School leavers are very successful in gaining places at schools of their choice and are very well prepared.”
Pupils display high levels of self-confidence and independence from an early age.”
Pupils’ social development is excellent.”
In observation inspectors witnessed…consideration, sensitivity and mutual respect between staff and pupils, which epitomise the success of the school’s aim to develop sensitivity and self-discipline within a Christian environment.”
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