Planting A Bean


Lesson Overview

In Reception we have been learning about plants. The children have read the stories Jack and the Beanstalk and Jasper’s Beanstalk. Through our work on these stories, the children have learnt what a plant needs to grow and how to care for one. The children had the opportunity to plant their very own bean.

First they had to put soil into a pot. Next the children made a hole in the soil to place the bean and covered it up with more soil. Then they patted down the soil and used a watering can to water the bean. The children were very engaged and asked lots of fantastic questions in this activity. The were able to talk about their previous experiences of planting seeds in their own gardens. The children are now hoping for lots of sun to help the beans grow!

Over the next few weeks, the children will care for their plants and observe the growth that happens. Each child will have their own bean diary in which they will draw pictures and write sentences about what is happening to their bean. Hopefully by the end of the term, the children will have the beginnings of their very own beanstalk. However, I’m not sure if they will be able to climb up their beanstalk to search for a giant, like many of them would like to do! Perhaps there will be some yummy beans for them to eat!


Subject Information
  • Subject:Horticulture