
This Term’s Theme


The Theme we will be focusing on for this half term is ‘Perseverance’.

Microsoft Word - SPS Values - Respectful 2016.docx

Getting the best out of something normally takes time. Things don’t always come easily, but by working hard and continuing with our efforts, we will eventually reap the rewards.

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In Assembly, class and at our events, we will be teaching our pupils all about ‘Perseverance’, what it means, what other words also mean ‘to persevere’ and hopefully, how to be perseverant. Enabling them to act upon our Value in order to grow, learn new skills, become more determined and maybe try something new!

Working hard and persevering brings much confidence, fulfillment and accomplishment. As Nelson Mandela has said “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Follow us over on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube, throughout the term to see what we get up to!

Maya Angelou - defeat

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