

Teeny Tiny Violins

Snaresbrook has received a generous donation of three tiny violins from Mr Curl’s mother! Mrs Curl used to be Head of Canterbury Music Centre and also, Head of Strings for East Kent. As she is now retired she thought it might be a nice idea for Snaresbrook children to make use of the adorable violins. The tiny violins we have acquired are still in beautiful condition after many years of use. They are worth several hundred of pounds and Mr Curl has suggested it would be good for Nursery and Reception classes to make use of them.


The violins are very small in comparison to normal violins, making them perfect for our dainty Nursery and Reception children – Nursery got to try them out first! Also, the children do look very sweet trying out a violin at such a young age. Mr Curl was delighted to see the children using the violins, as he used to play as a child, although doesn’t think he played these specific ones!

Violin lessons normally start in Year 2 or 3 as the children are more able to hold the violin and read the music steadily. Having the smaller violins might prove to be a good way of slowly introducing the children to musical instruments and how to handle violins in particular. Mrs Phillips is very excited to build up the music at school, with lots of brilliant ideas for the future. We now have an orchestra that meets every Wednesday and upper and lower school choirs. Many more instruments such as guitar and ukulele are being taught at school and we hope to to expand and develop music even further in the School. Music is thriving and booming at Snaresbrook!



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