Singing Practice
In this morning’s Singing Practice, Mr Curl asked the children how their evening went at last night’s Young Voices concert. The children shared their memories with the rest of the school – ‘it was magical when the lights went off and you could just see thousands of torches’, other children were surprised with how loud the concert and sounds of people singing, ‘it was deafening!’. Mr Curl then asked what a highlight of the evening was, to which a few pupils remarked “a funny moment was when Miss Rimmer was dancing, but doing the wrong moves and the YV choreographer stopped the show to tell Miss Rimmer off!”. Poor Miss Rimmer!! That’s the downside of being front and center, we’ll have to get working on those dance moves for next year!
In every assembly, Mrs Alderson plays us a different piece of music for us to listen to as we come in and sit down. Today, Mr Curl explained that the children were listening to Beethoven’s 10th Symphony… The children were confused as there was no music playing. Mr Curl asked what this meant and eventually, a savvy pupil explained that “there is no 10th symphony” – Mr Curl was very impressed and explained that the sound system wasn’t working this morning so they were listening to ‘Beethoven’s 10th Symphony’ instead!
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