
Shropshire – Year 6

Yet another uneventful journey for Year 6! Mrs Phillips certainly has taught the children many memorable songs – the coach driver seemed to enjoy them.

When we arrived we took part in a fire drill and unpacked quickly; then it was straight into the first activity….’Initiative Skills’. This was thoroughly enjoyable and the children even taught the instructors some new riddles! Ask them about these when they get back.

Evening meal…so much choice! And with full tummies, we tackled the High Ropes course, or Orienteering. Some of us set challenging paces 30ft in the air – some of us over coming fears; whilst some of us raced around the site for 90 minutes using maps in search of clues.

We also had the opportunity to play several innings of rounders; football and skipping. Lots of laughs have been had and a fantastic display of our team spirit has been DEMONSTRATED. The instructors have already commented on this!

After first writing and showers, it was time for bed….. apparently.
Demetri said, “Shropshire is definitely the best trip, ever!”
Oliver, “I am having such a cool time!”
Charis, “I can’t wait for tomorrow!”


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