Reception Show & Tell – ‘Excellence’
Welcome back! We hope you had a great half term break and feel refreshed to start the second half of Spring term.
In this morning’s assembly, we spoke about our values. Mr Curl started with a quiz! Showing the children just the acronym ‘RESPECTFUL’, the children had to guess what each letter represents. Mr Curl was very proud to hear that the children already knew most of the words and most importantly, understood what they meant.
Keeping the values fresh in our pupil’s memories will help them to achieve these goals and become more conscious individuals.
Mr Curl thought it was a good idea to show Mrs Alderson’s ‘Excellence’ video to get the children in the mood to start the day with a positive attitude, a happy mentality and a desire to be excellent in all they do!
After watching the video, Mr Curl asked the school what we can do to be excellent? A few answers included ‘to persevere in all we do’, ‘to try our hardest and try our best’ and ‘to work as a team’. We should all work together to be the best version of ourselves and learn to recognise when we have done well for ourselves. This helps us to acknowledge the work and effort we make and keeps up motivation to be positive and strive for excellence!
When we do the best for ourselves, we begin to learn our capabilities and in turn, we can work to continually improve on them! Helping ourselves will also allow us to help each other, as we have the capacity to give when we are doing all that we can for ourselves.
We then moved on to watch some videos from our Reception Class, who showed us what they have been doing recently that is excellent. We had a clip from a ballet lesson, a nifty pupil learning how to rollerskate and a drawing which was sent to Tim Peake and retweeted by Tim Peake himself! Brilliant.
We will have more from Nursery in tomorrow’s assembly on Excellence. We finished this morning’s assembly with a prayer from Mr Curl, who prayed that we all had a great time during our half term and were able to spend time with friends and family. And that for the rest of this short half term, we will be excellent and persevere to do our best!
Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a fun and relaxing half term. #News on our first day:
— Snaresbrook Prep (@SnaresbrookPrep) February 22, 2016
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