

Primary Maths Challenge

“The Primary Mathematics Challenge is a fun and exciting mathematical Challenge aimed at pupils in years 5 and 6 England and Wales, P6 and P7 in Scotland, and Years 6 and 7 in Northern Ireland.

The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year.  We are of the belief that the PMC encourages enthusiasm, boosts confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. We believe in the importance of Problem Solving as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills.” –


Our Year 5 and 6 classes took part in the PMC this year and had some fantastic results! Well done to all our children who participated. Mr Manning said “there were a few children just short of silver certificates, which shows the fantastic effort you have put it. This challenge is a great way to show us what we need to work on, areas that we are already strong in and gives us that motivation and determination to succeed in our next exams! Great work.”

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