

Nursery Show & Tell ‘Excellence’

Another brilliant Show and Tell assembly, where Reception and Nursery spoke to us about what they have done recently that is excellent!

We saw a hand made Sarcophagi, with a mini mummy inside! We heard of certificates awarded for swimming. We saw beautiful drawings from a pupil in Reception, who attends drawing classes outside of school!



Then was Nursery’s turn to tell us of their recent achievements. One pupil has recently learned how to read all by herself and read a book to mum; certificates awarded for an All Star Swimming Competition and a lovely pot made for mum at a recent pottery party! Well done to all our pupils trying their best.



Ms Burgess then asked us to watch through our ‘Excellence’ video and try to remember what makes something excellent? Children remembered things like “excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude”, “you don’t have to be perfect to be excellent”, “excellence is not being the best, but doing your best”. Helping children to understand what excellence really means, will allow them to feel more confident that they can all be excellent and it is just about doing the best you can.

We finished with a prayer, to hope that we can all be the best version of ourselves and strive to help each other to do the best we can. The hymn of the day was ‘Come my brothers, praise the Lord’.

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