Mr Savage’s Assembly
We had the pleasure of an assembly from Mr Savage today, also known as “Mr Sandwich” to the Nursery class (very cute!), who came in to speak with us about the story of Abraham.
Mr Savage started by talking to us about the change of seasons and how the nights are becoming darker, what do you see? We are able to see more “bats” and “stars” in the sky at night. Stars was the answer Mr Savage was looking for and he began to talk to us about how many stars are in the sky, more than we could ever imagine or count!
Next we looked at a beach and Mr Savage asked us what we could see. He then spoke to us about the sand on the beach and asked us to “imagine how many tiny grains of sand would be on that beach… Millions!! And that’s just ONE beach. Think about how many grains of sand there are on all the beaches over the world! That’s a LOT.”
The story of Abraham speaks to us about the promise that God made to Abraham – that he would have a son and his descendents, children, great grandchildren… would be so many that it would be more numerous that all the sand on the seashores and all the stars in the sky.
We found out that there are more than 7 billion people in the world today and Mr Savage explained to us that God will never let us down on his promise. He will always be there to help and support us and will never lie to us. God can do the impossible, Abraham believed that God was so great, that nothing is impossible for him.
Mr Savage finished our assembly today by showing us that we are all unique and special in God’s eyes. He understands our thoughts and so we may trust that he will always be there to help us. “May we pray. Thank you Lord, for keeping your promises to us. Thank you for knowing all the sand grains in the world and all of us. Thank you for the love you give to each and every one of us and thank you for being there for us always. Amen.”
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