Monday’s Assembly with Mrs Chivrell
We began our Monday morning assembly with some singing! Mr Wilson played “shalom” (meaning peace) – a hymn that gets faster and faster, to get us out of ‘Monday-itis’ and into some quick thinking to start our week off right.
In today’s assembly, Mrs Chivrell spoke to us about being respectful (highlighting one of our school values), telling us a story about two characters who lived next door to one another – a dustbin man and a computer genius, who after a disagreement, lost respect for each other.
We learned that although the two didn’t initially agree with each other or show respect because of their differences, that in the end, they needed each other’s help to get on with their jobs and lives. The story showed us that no one is above or below us, we are all equal and deserve to be shown the same level of respect whether you are friends, strangers or foes. No matter our differences, we must all be shown equality and respect.
Mrs Chivrell spoke to us about how we should make sure we are caring, considerate and respectful to not only our friends, but the other people in our class, our teachers and people that we don’t know so well. To treat others with the same attitude and care that we deserve to be given ourselves.
“Please help us to see how we treat others and help us to take of each other with the same level of consideration and respect that we deserve.”
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