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Keeping it Local – Litter Picking

Wildlife Club

Our Year 3 and 5’s in Wildlife Club, are on a mission to become more eco friendly this term. On Monday, the children went out on a litter picking mission to clear up their streets! They put on their gloves and hit the streets with an enthusiasm Mrs Mathison was shocked and impressed by!






The children were utterly shocked to see so much rubbish in just a small area – we walked down Woodford Road and round the block, back to school. The children found lots of general litter and were completely horrified as to how many cigarette butts they found! “This is disgusting!” gasped one of our Year 5’s pointing to an array of cigarettes next to a bin.

Litter picking may seem like an awful task, but the children were extremely optimistic to get out and clean their local neighbourhood. They felt very proud to be helping their local community and remarked that throwing rubbish on the floor really is a terrible habit we all need to quit!

Organisations such as Keep Britain Tidy and Litter Action are working towards a cleaner planet and with a little of our time and effort spent helping, we really could help them to make a really big difference!


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