“Health isn’t just exercise and diet, it’s your mental attitude too!”
Snaresbrook Prep launched a brand new ‘Wellbeing Scheme’ in today’s Assembly, which introduces ways in which the children deal with stress and emotions, techniques to help relax and calm the mind, figuring out emotions and understanding that caring for yourself before others is necessary, not selfish.
Ms Burgess, Deputy Head, has kick started the scheme with ‘Relaxation Club’, wellbeing discussions during weekly PSHEE lessons and monthly Wellbeing assemblies. Miss Allan is assisting her and has been diffusing some wonderful scents to create a calming atmosphere, “smells are highly emotive and the children really enjoy figuring out what we’ve used”. The scheme is to roll out across the school to encompass all classes and pupils, as well as staff. “We hope that with a calm and relaxed mindset, we can truly do our best as a school and also, enjoy the work we put in, rather than leaving stressed” – Ms Burgess.
Some benefits the relaxation techniques used at Snaresbrook Prep include;
- Improved concentration and energy levels
- Recharged immune system
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Clarity and calmness which in turn creates healthy sleep patterns
- Encourages creativity, self expression and self confidence
Linking in with the School’s Values, Ms Burgess hopes that the children will really feel the benefits of the scheme, learn lots about themselves emotionally and mentally, as well as take some techniques away with them to use in everyday life and hopefully, into adulthood!
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