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Good Marks Assembly

Well done to our Yellows who have had a running streak for the past two weeks! The team finished again in top place after a mere 5 point lead. Our Blues came up second and Browns finished with only a couple of points behind. Mrs Chiverrell was proud of the scores this week and noted that the children must all have stepped up their games to achieve such great points.


Only one commendation this week which was awarded for a fantastic piece of work from our Year 2 pupil, who had been learning about the Arctic. Mrs Chiverrell pointed out the focus and care that had been taken to produce such an exemplary piece of work!

The last week of our “excellence” focus for merits, next week we will be moving onto “sharing”, to tie in nicely with Christmas. Lots of merits handed out this week – almost two awarded from every year group! That must mean we’re doing our very best. Our Year 1 was awarded a merit for showing “astounding developments from the beginning of term, till now and showing excellence all round, a model student!”.

Year 2 have been learning about the continents in Geography and was awarded a class merit from Ms Evans, who was really impressed with the teamwork they displayed and excellent organisational skills to get their assembly ready. As well as the confidence showed during their assembly. 

Year 3 awarded a merit for a excellent piece of English writing. Year 4 “this student made an amazing sarcophagus for their History project”. Our Year 5s were awarded a merit badge for “excellent behaviour – both getting their workspace and themselves ready for the next tasks!”. Last but not least, our Year 6s were awarded merits for “creating excellent methods of working out maths problems – up to a Year 9 standard.”


Big well done to our pianist for reaching Grade 1!


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