

Good Marks Assembly 12.02.16

lets dance

We started this morning off with some Bowie – ‘Let’s Dance’. Once we began the assembly, Mr Curl asked “how did the music make us feel?”, to which a pupil said “happy and everyone was dancing”. Mr Curl added that music has that effect on us and we can use music to make us feel a certain way! 

We then sang a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs Chait, have a fantastic birthday Mrs Chait!

Rose cake

Mrs Chait’s beautiful birthday cake!


Mr Curl asked everyone “Who isn’t coming in on Monday?” And made a joke that he might make everyone come in and cancel half term, something a school back in the old days might have done, to which the children found hilarious! Afraid not Mr Curl. 


Monday 15th Feb – Friday 19th Feb



Brown  > 510

Blue  > 519

Yellow  > 516

The BLUE team have done it again! Blues come out on top with a brilliant 519 points! Closely followed by Yellows and then Browns in third place this week. Very close results House Teams, well done!



Commendation Awards

Commendations were awarded this week for:

  • overcoming his fear of heights and improved skills in gymnastics
  • working diligently at school and at home
  • working hard to bring his English up to a very high standard
  • incredible improvements in swimming
  • continued practice and determination to catch a small ball




YR 4 Merit

Year 4 received a Class Merit this week, as they used a trundle wheel on their 10 minute walk to measure the average pace, distance and helped each other to figure out estimations and calculations. Working brilliantly as a team


YR 1 Merit

Year 1 were awarded a merit this week as they worked with Nursery children in their gymnastics lesson, to introduce and help them to try new things in gymnastics! Mrs Altman was very proud.


Awards this week:

  • Trinity College Rock and Pop drums Grade 2
  • Triathlon completion



Excellence Show & Tell

'Excellence' show & tell

A few pupils came up to the front to tell us about their recent achievements, you can watch the video below:


We finished with a prayer that we’ll have a nice relaxing break!


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