Good Marks Assembly 11.03.16
The children always start an assembly with a piece of music, today they heard a piece from ‘Joseph’ the musical… They seemed to enjoy it!!
House Team Points
Blue 485
Brown 487
Yellow 484
Browns have done it again! A mere 2 points in the lead, Browns finish on 487 for the week!
Piano Performance
Another beautiful performance from our pianist, who performed ‘Romance’ in B Minor for us this morning. Watch the performance, here:
Merit Awards
Merit awards follow our Value of the moment and this week, we are focusing on ‘Enjoyment’. Merits were awarded this week for children who have been working hard and enjoying their lessons, getting involved in their work and putting lots of effort and enjoyment into their day, enjoying their philosophy sessions and for generally being a source of happiness for the class and peers.
Today’s music was the joyful ‘Down By the Riverside’. The children love to sing this song and it certainly sets us all up for a positive day at school.
Home Made Videos!
We then watched a fantastic video that we missed from our ‘Excellence’ assemblies. The video is about best friends and was made by two pupils in Year 4. It shows just how two people’s lives fit together when you’re best friends and also shows a great use of ICT technology, photo and film editing and some funny clips of their cat! A lovely way to start our morning.
We all enjoyed the Year 4’s video very much and Mrs Alderson thought it might be a nice idea to show us another video we would enjoy. ‘24 pets who can talk like humans’ a great clip of dogs and cats saying something along the lines of ‘hello’ or ‘I love you’. The children certainly found the video funny!
Winter Sports Day
Winter Sports Day – Year 6, 5, 4 and 3 took their winning attitude and excitement to Redbridge Sports Centre to whoop the Teachers at Football and Netball. Later on that afternoon came Tag Rugby and Hockey for the girls. Head over to Facebook to look through the photos from the day!
Notice from Mrs Phillips
Please can we ensure guitars are going home every day and brought back in for lessons. Guitars cannot be left at school! – Thank you.
Mrs Burgess finished the assembly to wish us all an enjoyable day and hopes we enjoy our weekends!
The sun has definitely come out, let’s hope it stays!
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