

Easter Hat Day

A brilliant day in the name of charity, Mrs Alderson and Ms Fourie arranged a fun-filled Easter Hat Day to end the Spring Term with a hop in our step!


The children started their day with a bit of crafts, making their Easter Hats. Then moved on to an Easter Egg Quest, Ms Fourie had put together a challenging hunt for Easter eggs and an Easter Quiz to challenge the older years.

The children spent the afternoon hunting around the school for clues and once the quest was over, we moved onto Good Marks Assembly and our Easter Hat Parade!




Avril Mills BEM, founder of The Dream Factory, joined us for the children’s hat parade and to help us pick some winners from each year group! The children followed the leader round the hall and Avril picked her winners!

Easter Hat Parade

Year 6 parade

Avril - Hat Parade Winners

Merit Winners

Merit Winners

Well done to all our creative pupils today and our winners of the hat parade! And also to our merit of the term winners, who finished with the top total of merit points! Each winner will be awarded with a book token to buy themselves a brand new book! The winners of the Easter Hat Parade were given an Easter egg each. Yummy.




A brilliant day full of fun!

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