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    Year 5 Anti-Bullying Assembly

    Year 5 presented us with a strong, clear and fantastic message in their Anti Bullying Assembly on Monday 14th.

    The children worked together to look at ways in which people are affected by bullying, what ‘bullying’ means and how to prevent it.

    Watch the full assembly over on YouTube:


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  • Self Care Week

    Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

    ~Max Ehrmann


    It’s Self Care Week (14 – 20th November) and we’re looking at ways in which we can make sure we look after our minds and bodies, so that we can live life to our fullest potential. By choosing the best for ourselves, we may do good for others!


    What is ‘Self Care’?

    Put simply, it means taking care of ourselves – physically, emotionally and mentally! By making sure we are happy, healthy and full of positive thoughts, this enables us to make the right decisions for ourselves; we are able to support those around us; are healthy enough to live life to our fullest potential and don’t fall ill because we aren’t doing what is best for us. How many times have we heard people becoming ill due to stress? Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Although some stress is necessary to push ourselves and grow, but continued tension can lead to illness or disease!


    “Self care” means choosing behaviors that balance the effects of emotional and physical stressors: exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, practicing relaxation techniques, pursuing creative outlets, etc.  It means to put ourselves at the top of our priority list, which is sometimes hard in a modern society, or when you’re a parent. Being pulled in different directions, we often forget just to slow down and look at “what works best for me?”



    So What Can We Do?

    Self care is not self indulgent, self care is self respect. Start by saying ‘yes’ to things you want to do and ‘no’ to things you don’t. It may seem simple, but putting your opinion and needs first is making sure your health and mental wellbeing is looked after. You give yourself the basic respect you deserve.


    The food we eat; the people we surround ourselves with; the words we use; the thoughts we think… these all contribute to positive wellbeing. Letting go of things that no longer serve us is a fantastic way to improve overall health, becoming aware of those things is a great way to start. Looking at our inner thoughts and the words we use also affects wellbeing. Talk to and treat yourself you would a friend or a child – allow yourself time to do things you enjoy, be kind to yourself, look for the good in all you do, go to bed early, spend time with people you love.


    Here are some easy tips to make us more aware of simple ways to introduce a ‘self care mindset’ into our everyday lives.


    “Many parents today are overwhelmed with the stresses of family life. In fact, a lot of parents feel like they’re just treading water trying to keep up with the daily tasks associated with caring for children. Being a parent is not easy—it can feel as though we’re constantly focused on our children: feeding, clothing, teaching, disciplining and more all day long. But are you taking time to focus on yourself, too?” Being compassionate for ourselves means we can be compassionate for others. What we do for ourselves ultimately improves what we can do for others (when we make sure we are full, happy and healthy mentally and physically, first). Remember, “you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first!”


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    Wellbeing Assembly Tuesday 27th September

    We begin our wellbeing assembly with some calm sounds – sounds of the sea on a beach and sounds of nature. Ms Burgess asked the children how the music made them feel. “I feel calm, soothed and relaxed”.


    “What does ‘wellbeing’ mean to you?” enquired Ms Burgess to the assembly. “It means to be peaceful, have space to do what you want to do”, “being calm and relaxed”, “to be yourself and get along with others”, “a time when you can relax, listen to some music, watch tele”, “taking time out”, “not being over stressed or over working yourself”, “sleep”, “different ways to keep yourself well”.

    Selection of fruit and vegetables

    Really impressed with the answers, Ms Burgess tried to expand the minds of the children by asking “How else can we keep ourselves well?” The children have been working on healthy eating as it is Harvest collection time. Some older children answered that “keeping ourselves well also means that we need to exercise”, “healthy food”, “always doing our best”.

    Illustration of Kids Exercising

    “Excellent, that is right! Wellbeing isn’t just about being relaxed, although that is a main part of it. It also means that we eat well, we don’t eat too much that is bad for us. It means that we challenge our minds by learning, but allow them time to be calm and creative rather than work. It is about exercising our bodies and sweating, raising our heartbeats and being active! Wellbeing is about the WHOLE person and that is what we are trying to get you to think about!”



    Ms Burgess brought our attentions back to the music and sensations of calmness and peacefulness. We then listened to a song called ‘Living in the Moment’ – we had to listen to the lyrics and say afterwards what we heard. This is a great listening exercise to get children to pay attention and is also interesting to find out what they hear. “I heard him sing about peace in his heart”, “being positive”, “living in the moment“. Yes, living in the moment. What does that mean? Discuss with a partner.

    • Thinking about where we are
    • Thinking about what’s happening
    • Living in the present
    • What’s happening right now
    • Be grateful for what you have


    We have such busy lives, we often forget what’s happening right now. To ‘live in the moment’ is to make the most of what is happening around us at that point. We forget what’s happening now. Make the most of what’s is happening around us – paying attention, listening, looking with our full attention. How can we practise living in the moment, today? 


    Ms Burgess ended with a prayer to say thank you for the time we have to relax and absorb all that we do. To find and have balance in our lives and to allow ourselves this space. Thank you to the present moment and all that it teaches us.


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    Healthy Living Assembly with Ms Fourie

    Something a little different for Assembly today – Ms Fourie spoke to us about “What is healthy living?”. Focusing on our Wellbeing Scheme, we really want our children to understand what it means to be healthy, the ways in which we can make our lives more balanced and wholesome, but also, what are the main cornerstones to health.


    Ms Fourie asked the children to come up with 4 things you can do to be more healthy. The children worked with their partner to think of some examples. Here’s what they came up with:

    • Eat healthy foods
    • Exercise
    • Rest and relax
    • Drink milk
    • Drink water
    • Learning
    • Playtime


    After the children had given examples, Ms Fourie explained that healthy living isn’t just about eating good food and getting exercise. It’s also about resting and getting a good sleep; learning and exercising our minds; also it’s about playtime and making sure we have time with our friends!



    The children then learned a fun new dance with Ms Fourie, to ‘Singing in the Rain’. A wonderful way to start our Tuesday – happy, full of energy and thinking about our wellbeing!


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    Relaxation Club

    Which ways do you relax?

    Ms Burgess started last week’s relaxation club by seeing the ways in which our children choose to relax. Some children answered that they like to “read”, “ride my bike or scooter”, “I like to watch tele”, “I go home and have a sleep”, “I like to think about the good things that have happened in my day”. Others said that they relax “by playing football”, “I put on pjs and sit down when I get in” and some children said that they like to play with their siblings.


    Why is it important to relax?

    Ms Burgess then spoke to us about why it is important to relax and what we can gain from having a calm mind, a relaxed body and a better sense of wellbeing. We spoke about the ways in which we feel relaxed and began the introduction of ways and techniques to help us relax and take care of ourselves.

    In this week’s Wellbeing Assembly, we looked at a beach scene whilst listening to some calming, soothing music. Ms Burgess asked us to watch the scenery, or close our eyes and listen to the calming sounds. We sat for a few minutes in silence, taking in the peacefulness. Afterwards, we discussed what it made us feel and how we can keep those feelings with us when we aren’t feeling our best. Ms Burgess spoke to us about how living in the now helps us to deal with stress, as we’re not thinking about what could happen, what we need to do, what we should have done… But accepting where we are right now.


    Ms Burgess finished with a prayer, “Thank you Lord, that we can be together and learn, that we are able to think about being grateful for what we have. Help us to take time to think about what is happening in that moment. Allow us to make time to rest and relax, spend and enjoy time with our families. Help us to learn and do the best we can do today! Amen”.

    We finished the assembly with Eva Cassidy’s ‘Over The Rainbow’ and lastly, Happy Birthday.

    We’ve had lots of birthday’s this week – a very “Happy Birthday!” to Mrs Milton, Mrs Foster, Mrs Colburn & Mr Curl, we hope you all have a lovely day.


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    “Health isn’t just exercise and diet, it’s your mental attitude too!”

    Snaresbrook Prep launched a brand new ‘Wellbeing Scheme’ in today’s Assembly, which introduces ways in which the children deal with stress and emotions, techniques to help relax and calm the mind, figuring out emotions and understanding that caring for yourself before others is necessary, not selfish.

    Ms Burgess, Deputy Head, has kick started the scheme with ‘Relaxation Club’, wellbeing discussions during weekly PSHEE lessons and monthly Wellbeing assemblies. Miss Allan is assisting her and has been diffusing some wonderful scents to create a calming atmosphere, “smells are highly emotive and the children really enjoy figuring out what we’ve used”. The scheme is to roll out across the school to encompass all classes and pupils, as well as staff. “We hope that with a calm and relaxed mindset, we can truly do our best as a school and also, enjoy the work we put in, rather than leaving stressed” – Ms Burgess.

    Some benefits the relaxation techniques used at Snaresbrook Prep include;

    • Improved concentration and energy levels
    • Recharged immune system
    • Reduced stress and anxiety
    • Clarity and calmness which in turn creates healthy sleep patterns
    • Encourages creativity, self expression and self confidence

    Linking in with the School’s Values, Ms Burgess hopes that the children will really feel the benefits of the scheme, learn lots about themselves emotionally and mentally, as well as take some techniques away with them to use in everyday life and hopefully, into adulthood!



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