Open Rooms
Room Sharing
It’s ‘Open Rooms’ today in Nursery & Reception!
At 2pm, it’s doors open and we’re allowed to visit our friends in Reception and Nursery, play with different toys, dress up in the Nursery and see our favourite teachers in different classrooms.
‘Open Rooms’ is a great idea whereby the children can use the entire EYFS unit and explore new toys; spend time with different members of staff and other pupils; allows the children the freedom to choose what activity they would like to participate in; and strengthens the Early Years Community, allowing the children to feel safe and comfortable with each other.
Today we played with some new costumes, we chatted with different friends, we spent time in a different environment and had a chance to play!
Allowing the children time to play improves social skills; such as sharing and taking turns, politeness, respect for our peers, becoming more sociable in groups and allows the children to grow independently and with confidence.
Creative play also helps our pupils to use their imagination, gain new skills in activities they enjoy such as drawing or painting. Play time and ‘Open Rooms’ also gives the children a chance to relax and explore!