On Tuesday of this week, Neil (from Woodford Baptist Church) paid us a visit to talk to us about having confidence.
But to start, Mr Curl spoke to us about the football, in particular, the Iceland vs England match. He asked the children what they thought of the results, the game and their general opinion, here’s what Snaresbrook children had to say:
“How could we lose to a country ruled by dentists?” (Mr Curl found this particularly funny). “They have the population of Leicester and we still couldn’t beat them”. “I’m embarrassed to be English”. “I think Iceland played well and we played rubbish!”. So general consensus, not impressed!
Mr Curl then handed over to Neil who began to tell us a story from the scriptures…
“One dark night, Peter and his men were rowing through strong winds and crashing waves. In the distance, they saw a figure far away on the water. It was Jesus”.
Neil asked us to be the storm, wind and waves
Neil told us how Jesus had asked Peter and his men to “get out of the boat” in order to be saved from the stormy weather. Peter didn’t believe him and said “if it’s really you, tell me to come”. Jesus asked Peter and so, he climbed over the side of the boat and started to walk toward Jesus on the water. Frightened though he were, as long as Peter stayed focused on Jesus he could walk on water!
If he became afraid of all that was around him, he began to sink. Peter slowly began to sink and when up to his chest, he shouted “LORD! Save me!” – Jesus held out his hand and pulled Peter out of the water, to stand next to him.
Neil asked us, “Do we have times when we’re afraid?” A few pupils answered, explaining that being lost will make them scared, not having anyone around us that we know, no one in the house, amongst other reasons we are sometimes scared.
Neil explained to us that “if we keep looking to Jesus and trusting Jesus, it doesn’t matter how bad the storm is, sometimes we have wind and waves in our life. But even in a storm, Jesus is there for us and we can call out like Peter did. He will reach out a hand and look after us and care for us”.
We can say thank you to Jesus because he is always there to look after us. Everything is possible with him!
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